The Intuto Story So Far

Intuto has been building simple online training solutions since 2000.  Read below to find out how it all began and how we got here.

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How It All Began

Back In 2000

A group of education and technical enthusiasts in New Zealand tried to get an online business up and running but quickly realised that the community as a whole simply didn't have the computer skills required to make it work. When we started looking at what computer training was available we discovered that it was either pretty good but really expensive or low cost and terrible quality.


There had to be a better way. We recognised that the only way to make high quality computer training available to as many people as possible was to go online. We realised that we needed to use experts to develop the content and use our own technical skills to build the platform. From that point, the business that became Intuto went on to launch one of the world's first large scale community online training courses, eventually reaching over 350,000 people.

Over The Years

Intuto developed the tools, materials and processes that allowed high quality courses to be delivered to significant numbers of learners in a range of different industries. In addition, we ended up working with Cambridge University providing English language courseware, technical advice and platform support. Looking back it seems funny that two organisations at exactly opposite sites of the globe would start working so closely together. It became pretty clear though that this world of high cost, expert driven online course development was changing.

Our story (1)-new

Regardless of size, organisations were increasingly dissatisfied with existing solutions. These were costly to set up, operate and maintain. The internet was rapidly changing, becoming less expensive but faster, driving penetration and use particularly through powerful mobile devices. The opportunity to change the online learning paradigm had arrived.

What We Came Up With

Recognising the opportunity and with a background in both technical and material construction perspectives, Intuto was able to dig into the specifics of organisational needs in this space. It became apparent that integrating course development, deployment and reporting in a single mobile ready platform that didn't require specialist skills to operate was what most organisations, large and small were looking for. As well, organisations wanted a fixed monthly fee and the flexibility to add as many users and courses as necessary to meet their needs.


The new Intuto platform was developed on these principles from the start.

How We Are Different

With the combination of authoring and delivery in a single platform, small and mid sized business in particular now have a solution that in the past would have been beyond their capability and financial reach. Simple, low cost, flexible. That's the promise.

But not every organisation wants to divert their people away from day to day business to build online courses. We recognise this and provide a simple solution. We'll build your courses for you using your materials and will help you share them with your users. No other online learning platform comes anywhere near this type of support.

A wraparound, online training service that's built for modern business, accessible whenever and wherever you need it. Unique.

Intuto - online learning made simple.

Trusted to create engaging content for over 20 years.


Why Choose Intuto

A complete solution for organisations to create, manage and track e-learning backed by industry leading customer support.



Online course delivery support.



Educating potential franchisors business owners about franchising.

Let's Get Started

We'd love to hear about your online learning needs and see if Intuto is right for you.