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Effective Communication Strategies for Association Leaders and Members

Effective Communication Strategies for Association Leaders and Members

Your association's members and donors are your lifelines. So, you're determined to keep them happy. And that means keeping them in the loop on what you're doing.

But you're not quite sure how best to do this.

You're not the only one who may be wondering this, either. Research shows that 72% of workers in Australia have complaints about their organisations' leadership due. This is due to their leaders' poor emotional intelligence and communication skills.

The reality is, association leaders and members are responsible for utilising effective communication strategies. Here's a rundown on the most effective leadership communication strategies for making sure that your organisation stays focused on your mission.

Let's jump in!

Communication Strategies Include Instituting a Consistent Medium of Communication

One of the best strategies for experiencing communication success as an association leader is to implement a communication medium that is consistent and educational. This communication should also be impact-driven or results-driven.

An example of this type of medium is an up-to-date digital newsletter.

For instance, you may want to send out a newsletter each month featuring various topics and messages. The letter may feature updates from your COO or CEO. They might also include videos, podcasts, events, news, and testimonials.

A well-done newsletter will inspire, inform, and engage your association members.

Settle on the Most Ideal Communication Channel

Another smart way to improve communication at your association is to pick the most fitting communication channel for your organisation.

For instance, you should use emails to announce major milestones or campaigns. Then, conclude your emails by asking the recipients' for feedback.

Meanwhile, you can use instant messaging for providing updates that aren't urgent.

A phone conversation with your members can also be handy for clearing up confusion in real-time. Simply set up an association-wide phone call to engage your members in critical matters.

Consider Stakeholders' Communication Preferences

Yet another way to enhance your communication skills at your association is to take into consideration the mode of communication your stakeholders prefer.

For instance, let's say you survey your members to find out what communication mode they prefer, and you discover that they prefer email. You can test this by sending out an email that demands a response.

This will allow you to ensure that your emails reach your stakeholders. In addition, you can verify that they are reading your emails and responding to them.

Create an Informal Communication Community

You can also boost your association's communication by creating a community where your stakeholders can feel connected to one another and chat informally.

Emails and formal letters are key to running a professional association. However, informal communication can create a more inviting and friendlier atmosphere.

So, feel free to create an association group chat featuring daily pictures or videos of your organisation's positive work. This will motivate your members to keep investing their time, money, and energy in your initiatives.

Encourage Two-Way Communication

Effective business communication also requires that you allow your members to speak, not just listen. Stakeholders should be invited into your conversation with them.

So, ask your stakeholders how they feel about certain decisions you've made. Also, ask them to share what they might be envisioning. This is critical to forging transformational partnerships.

Creating two-way communication is possible in email, at meetings, and even on your association's social media pages.

Show Empathy

In all of your communications with your association members, be sure to show empathy toward them.

You can become more empathetic by first listening to your members. Then, try to understand where they're coming from.

By doing this, you can have more fruitful communications. That's because you'll have a stronger understanding of your members' expectations. You'll also better understand their interests and values.

Maintain Engaging and Relevant Conversations

You can also elevate your association's communications by keeping your conversations with members relevant.

For instance, thank them for their contributions if they are current donors. If they aren't donors, start your messages to them with your value statement. This will explain to them right away while you're communicating with them.

Also, be succinct in your communications with your stakeholders. If you want to give them access to more information about your cause, give them a link to a site with that information. This will keep them from suffering from information overload.

You should also be honest in all of your communications. Perhaps your association has possible future failures or challenges.

Let your stakeholders know about this. In this way, they can provide possible solutions that may not have been presented before.

Focus on Meeting the Needs of Stakeholders Through Online Training

Finally, use training software to keep your members up to date on topics that are relevant to them. For instance, you can host member onboarding sessions. Alternatively, you can host professional development sessions on communication or relationship building.

This can help you drive positive change in your association. Your members will be more equipped to help you make the desired impact on your community.

How We Can Help

One of the best communication strategies for association leaders is to institute a consistent medium of communication. Other strategies include allowing communication to go both ways rather than being a one-way street.

At Intuto, we can help you boost your connection with your association's members through our association member training software. This will allow you to boost your members' engagement without the added cost of travelling to workshops and seminars with your members.

Meet with us to learn more about our software today!

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