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Adrian Sallis

Apr 9, 2024

Innovative Education Opportunities: A Path to Boost Non-dues Revenue


Associations today are finding innovative ways to generate non-dues revenue while simultaneously providing value to their members. One such avenue is through offering educational and professional resources.

This article will explore the various educational opportunities associations can leverage to generate additional income and create value for their members.

Unlocking Revenue Through Education

The educational resources to offer through your association will vary based on your industry, member needs, and the expertise of your team.

For instance, if you’re in the technology industry, you could offer webinars on the latest software developments or training sessions on programming languages. If you’re in the healthcare sector, you could provide courses on patient care or the latest medical research findings. You could also consider offering certification programs for members seeking professional development or career advancement in their field. 

Overall, the key is to provide educational resources that are relevant and beneficial to your members' interests and professional growth. Here are several options that many associations are exploring:

Conferences and Events

Plan annual conferences, workshops, and seminars that showcase industry experts, thought leaders, and provide networking opportunities. These events can offer tiered access, with premium packages granting additional benefits such as exclusive content or personalised consultations.

Guest Speaker Events

Host virtual or in-person sessions featuring renowned speakers on trending topics relevant to your members' professional development. Charge a registration fee or offer access as a paid add-on to existing membership packages.

In-Depth Workshops and Training Programs

Develop intensive workshops or training programs to delve deeper into specific skills or knowledge areas. Offer certification upon completion to add value and marketability to your members' credentials.

Webinars and Online Courses

Utilise webinars or online platforms to deliver bite-sized educational content on relevant topics. These can be offered as one-time sessions, ongoing subscriptions, or part of a comprehensive online learning program.

Networking Opportunities

Facilitate exclusive networking events, online forums or mentoring programs to connect members with industry professionals and fostering valuable peer-to-peer learning. Charge a fee for participation or offer access as a premium membership benefit.

Job Boards

Create an exclusive job board to connect your members with relevant job opportunities. Employers can pay to post vacancies, while members benefit from access to a targeted pool of qualified candidates.

Identifying Member Needs

An essential element for the success of these initiatives is ensuring they are in line with the needs and interests of your members. Use the following methods to gather valuable insights:

  • Conduct regular surveys to understand the specific skills, knowledge areas, and learning formats your members value most.
  • Leverage data collected through your membership management software to identify trends in member interests and engagement.
  • Organise focus groups or online forums to gather in-depth feedback and insights from diverse member segments.

Prioritising member needs is key to building a loyal and engaged community. By providing high-quality, relevant, and valuable educational opportunities, you’ll cultivate trust and a willingness to participate in paid offerings. This translates to increased non-dues revenue, ultimately securing the long-term sustainability of your association and its ability to serve its members.

Adaptable Educational Offerings

Fuel your association's success through innovation and responsiveness. Continuously adapting your educational offerings to member feedback and industry trends will solidify your position as a leading source of knowledge and expertise. This approach attracts and retains members while generating sustainable non-dues revenue – ensuring your association thrives in the long run.

Looking for new non-dues revenue opportunities?

Intuto has developed the Association Academy to help you get started in educational courses. Meet with us today to find out how the Association Academy can benefit you!

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